A Woman-Owned Business in the Heart of Virginia
1180 Tye Brook Highway
Piney River, Virginia, 22964
(434) 981-7538 Text or Phone

Welcome to Camp Merricks
Camp Merricks is a vacation spot for your dog. At Camp, dogs can enjoy a single day of fun, or weeks of country life. Our style of care provides daily enrichment with things to climb on and jump over, friends to chase, room to run, places to dig and water to splash in.
See our Training page for more information on training programs.
Our environment allows dogs to free roam and socialize in playgroups that are appropriate for each dog's size, age, and energy level/temperament.
We have seven separate yards to keep our playgroups small. Campers must be dog-tolerant and spayed/neutered if they are over 12 months old.
A Meet & Greet is required prior to a new Camper's first stay. There is no charge for this initial visit. Behavior issues that arise after initial assessment may be cause for dismissal from Camp.
Campers must be up-to-date on the following:
Rabies vaccination​
Bordatella vaccination
DHLPP (age appropriate) vaccination
Flea/tick preventives are current.
Negative Fecal Test within the last 6 months. Due to the large number of Campers visiting we require tests for intestinal parasites more frequently than your veterinarian recommends.
Copies of vaccination records are required prior to your dog's stay at Camp.
Meet and Greets are by appointment only.
Unaltered dogs may be considered on an individual basis up to 18 months of age but may not be suitable as Campers. Dogs over 18 months who are not spayed or neutered are not permitted for Camp-based services. Unaltered dogs between 12 and 18 months of age incur a separate boarding fee.

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
Gilda Radner (comedian)
Conveniently located in Piney River, Virginia, between Charlottesville and Lynchburg. Close to Sweet Briar College, Wintergreen, Crab Tree Falls and the 151 Brew Ridge Trail.
Handle life's stresses like a dog...
If you can't play with it or eat it, Pee on it and walk away.